The list of documents submitted for state registration of business entities: LLC, JV LLC, IP LLC (enterprises with foreign investment and other enterprises with foreign capital participation) contains such a document as:
An extract of the foreign founder from the trade register at the place of registration of the legal entity or another document confirming the activities of this legal entity, legalized in the prescribed manner by the consular institution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and in the absence of such, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the state of registration of the founder, in the consular institution or diplomatic representation of this country in the Republic of Uzbekistan, followed by certification at the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan. An extract from the trade register about the foreign founder or other document confirming the activity of this legal entity must contain the name of the foreign legal entity, its location, data of the person entitled to sign on behalf of the foreign legal entity.
This extract is valid for 1 year from the date of issue.
Below, you can see samples of this document from different countries, thus, there is a chance to provide a sample of the above document to your foreign partners, which will speed up the process of registration / re-registration of your Uzbek enterprise and the provision of documents from a foreign party.