President's order of 28.05.2022 "On additional measures to introduce the market principle in the cultivation and sale of grain"PQ-262 was adopted - on additional measures to demonstrate the market principle in sales. The document was published in UzA.
The decision approved the following proposals of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, and regional governments:
- Production of a total of 2,550,000 tons of wheat from the harvest of 2022 at an average of 2.5 tons per hectare of irrigated areas;
- 1,783,500 tons of commercial wheat as a state resource and 266,500 To buy 500,000 tons for seeds from the funds of the State Support Fund for Agriculture under the Ministry of Finance; 500,000 tons to be temporarily stored by the commercial representative of the Fund for later sale by farms and other grain growers.< /li>
The document established the procedure according to which wheat was purchased at the expense of the Fund and received from growers for temporary storage:
- Wheat of classes 3 and higher - regardless of the form of ownership, to business entities with the capacity to produce flour, who are obliged to sell at least 75 percent of the wheat purchased from the exchange through exchange trading;
- Wheat of 4th and 5th classes - is sold to all business entities without any restrictions through stock exchanges.
Republican headquarters was established to ensure the transparency, full and fair operation of the new system in the purchase and sale of grain and the interests of wheat growers, to prevent the increase in the price of flour and grain products and shortages in the domestic market.
The following are the main tasks of the Republican headquarters:
- preparation of a proposal to improve the control mechanism over the cultivation, processing, storage, sale and financing of the cultivation of wheat grain crops;
- timely harvesting of grain, nesting organization of import without destruction and release to stock exchange based on the schedule;
- release of grain to stock market based on the approved schedule and daily control over the implementation of payments;
- purchase and sale of grain ensuring the transparency, full and fair functioning of the new system and the interests of wheat growers.